Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lavender Nights
Translated Lyrics:
What makes them think they have the right to say what God considers vice
What makes them think they have the right to keep us out of Paradise
They make our lives hell here on Earth
poisoning us with guilt and shame
If we resist, prison awaits so our love dares not speak its name
The crime is when love must hide
From now on we'll love with pride
We're not afraid to be queer and different
if that means hell -- well, hell we'll take the chance
they're all so straight, uptight, upright and rigid
they march in locksep we prefer to dance
We see a world of romance and of pleasure
All they can see is sheer banality
Lavender nights are our greatest treasure
where we can be just who we want to be
Was will man nur? Ist das Kultur,
da jeder Mensch verpönt ist,
der klug und gut, jedoch mit Blut
von eigner Art durchströmt ist,
da grade die Kategorie
vor dem Gesetz verbannt ist,
die im Gefühl bei Lust und Spiel
und in der Art verwandt ist?
Und dennoch sind die meisten stolz,
da sie von anderm Holz!
Wir sind nun einmal anders, als die andern,
die nur im Gleichschritt der Moral geliebt,
neugerig erst durch tausend Wunder wandern,
und für die ’s doch nur das Banale gibt.
Wir aber wissen nicht, wie das Gefühl ist,
denn wir sind alle andrer Welten Kind;
wir lieben nur die lila Nacht, die schwül ist,
weil wir ja anders als die andern sind.

Wozu die Qual, uns die
Moral der andern aufzudrängen?
Wir, hört geshwind, sind wie wir sind,
selbst wollte man uns hängt,
den müte man beweinen,
doch bald gebt acht, es wird über Nacht
auch unsre Sonne scheinen.
Dann haben wir das gleiche Recht erstritten,
wir leiden nicht meht, sondern sind gelitten.
Wir sind nun einmal anders, usw.
This song is about repression and liberation of the younger generations or the generations that want to feel liberated. I find interesting the first part that says who are you to tell us what God considers wrong or immoral who are you to keep us away from paradise. This is interesting because maybe their paradise is in the physical world, is like paradise is what they do the sex, the drugs, the alcohol the cabaret but paradise is also the one in heaven where the people that don’t do this things go and in order to get there you must be out of this kind of environment. Regardless paradise has a double meaning in this song.
Then they say if what we do is hell let it be we will take our chance the only thing they want is to be liberated and to have lavender nights or freedom nights just like the professor in the movie he chooses to follow the femme fattale and become freer by being in her environment. Then he can enjoy also the lavender nights.
This song also talks about homosexuality and how it is ok this is very controversial even today I can only imagine in this time were everything was so uptight and rigid.
Chuck Out the Man
The battle for emancipation's been raging since history began
Yes, feminists of every nation want to chuck off the chains made by man
Hula girls and housemaids and wives in Maribou
hear all our voices thunder in protest
Anything that men do women can do too
and more that that we women do it best

CHORUS:  Chuck all the men out of the Reichstag
and chuck all the men out of the courthouse
Men are the problem with humanity
they're blinded by their vanity
Women have passively embraced them
when we could have easily outpaced them
Yes we should have long ago replaced them
or better yet erased them
If we haven't made our feelings clear
we women have had it up to here
Raus mit den Männern!
(für Claire Waldoff)
Es geht durch die ganze Historie
ein Ruf nach Emanzipation
vom Menschen bis zur Infusorie
überall will das Weib auf den Thron.
Vin Hawai-Neger bis zur Berliner Range
braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall daher:
Was die Männer können, können wir schon lange
und vielleicht ’ne ganze Ecke mehr.

Raus mit den Männern aus dem Reichstag,
und raus mit den Männern aus dem Landtag,
und raus mit den Männern aus dem Herrenhaus,
wir machen draus ein Frauenhaus!
Raus mit den Männern aud dem Dasein,
und raus mit den Männern aus dem Hiersein,
und raus mit den Männern aus dem Dortsein,
sie müten schon längst fort sein.
Ja: raus mit den Männern aus dem Bau,
und rein in die Dinger mit der Frau!

This song is about the liberation of women is saying that women can have the same rights as men because whatever men can do women can do it too and better. This is a nice song because in that tine it was very difficult for anybody to have nay right therefore having a liberating song like this must have been very popular at the time in the Weimar culture.
It relates to the movie because I think the protagonist is a very liberated women she might not have many moral values but she works and is a sexually liberated women yes she made him into a clown but he sort of look for it himself so is mostly his fault.
Paragraph 175
Said that males having sex with males was illegal and he could be punish, imprisoned and lose its civil rights.
Paragraph 175 a
Working in jail and jail time of no less than 3 months should happen to any men seduced or seducing another male to have sex wether they are over the age of 21 or not.
Paragraph 175 b
Sex with animals could result in imprisonment and loss of civil rights.

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