Saturday, May 9, 2015

The work of Art on the world of mechanical revolution

Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element: its presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place where it happens to be. This unique existence of the work of art determined the history to which it was subject throughout the time of its existence. This includes the changes which it may have suffered in physical condition over the years as well as the various changes in its ownership. The traces of the first can be revealed only by chemical or physical analyses which it is impossible to perform on a reproduction; changes of ownership are subject to a tradition which must be traced from the situation of the original.

This to me means that art lacks the element of time and space you never know where it has been. This is interesting because just like history there's elements lost in time and space and just becomes a memory. Even memories become vague nothing is immortal not even awesome paintings. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Ernst Jung said "On pain" "A clash of naval ships is distinguished by its unprecedented clarity. We can recall in our minds the course of naval battles right down to the minute and individual shells fired. Moreover, one sees neither the sailor. as he is invisible in a way more significant that purely physical, nor a mass of soldiers, instead one sees the naval ship or fleet. We have before us one of those cases where men accepts his downfall or fate. His ultimate concern is to no longer to try to avoid his fate, but to ensure it takes place with a flag held high. In survivors accounts, one repeatedly comes across a remarkable attitude that leads one to believe that in the decisive moments death is simply not seen. This is specially true wherever in the zone of annihilation man's focus remains squarely on utilizing weaponry. Only he who feels secure in immediate proximity to death finds himself in the highest state of security. "

I chose this passage because it describes many aspects of nihilism and the class is about that, I also like the last line in which it is said that the moment we feel more secure is when we are close to death itself and I think this is true the only things we have for sure since we are born is that we are going to die and that s it.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

 Politics as vocation  by Max Weber

What do we understand by politics? The concept is extremely broad and comprises any kind of
leadership in action. One speaks of the currency policy of the banks, of the discounting policy of the
Reichsbank, of the strike policy of a trade union; one may speak of the educational policy of a municipality
or a township, of the policy of the president of a voluntary association, and, finally, even of the policy of a
prudent wife who seeks to guide her husband. Tonight, our reflections are, of course, not based upon such a
broad concept. We wish to understand by politics only the leadership, or the influencing of the leadership,
of a
association, hence today, of a
I chose this text which was in the introduction of his essay because it says how politics can be represented in any sphere of society, either family, schools, work, government and how the focus needs to be made more specifically on government since there is no kind of leadership being made and everything is so communal. This is interesting because this is one of the reasons Hitler was elected because he represented an unified kind of leadership. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Article 7
The Reich is responsible for legislation in the areas
1. civil law
2. penal law
3. jurisdiction including the execution of sentences as well as judicial
assistance between government offices
4. passport affairs and the registration of aliens
5. welfare for the poor and the migrants
6. press, clubs, assemblies
7. population policy, motherhood, baby, children and youth welfare
8. health care, veterinary affairs, protection of plants against diseases and parasites
9. labour legislation, insurance and protection of workers and employees as well
as certification of employment
10. the establishment of institutions representing occupations within the Reich territory
11. welfare for combattants and their surviving dependants
12. the law of expropriation
13. the nationalization of natural resources, of economic enterprises, of the production, distribution and pricing of merchandise for the social economy
14. trade, measurements, the distribution of paper money, construction and stock markets
15. the sale of food as well as other goods of daily consumption
16. industry and mining
17. insurances
18. merchant shipping. ocean and coastal fishing
19. railways, inland navigation, motor vehicle traffic on land, water and in the air, the construction of overland roads, as far as these serve general traffic and national defense
20. theatres and cinemas
I chose this article because it shows how strict everything was and how controlling everything was supposed to be it feels more like a communist ideal rather than a capitalist one. It had legislation even in theaters and cinemas meaning even in the leisure places this constitution could write laws.  I feel like Germany is one of those countries that just made many mistakes throughout history and learned from them and a country that went all the way through and did things that even today some countries are afraid to do and that s why Germany is so advanced.
Article 109
All Germans are equal in front of the law.
In principle, men and women have the same rights and obligations.
Legal privileges or disadvantages based on birth or social standing are to be abolished.
Noble titles form part of the name only; noble titles may not be granted any more.
Titles may only be granted, if they indicate an office or occupation; academic degrees are not affected by this regulation.
The state may no more bestow orders and medals.
No German may accept titles or orders from a foreign government.
I chose this passage because it goes against what happened in WWII which means that before all the mayhem happened Germany had a pretty equal system or at least was trying to be a more equal society.  Even men and women had the same rights and duties. Anything that could make you disabled or less positive was supposed to be taken down which opens to a lot of communist ideas, nobility was no longer something important.  I think is very interesting that before Hitler everything was heading towards an equal direction in Germany.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Rosa Luxemburg's "What does the Spartacus League Want"

"And because that is what it wants, because it is the voice of warning, of urgency, because it is the socialist conscience of the Revolution, it is hated, persecuted, and defamed by all the open and secret enemies of the Revolution and the proletariat.
Crucify it! shout the capitalists, trembling for their cashboxes.
Crucify it! shout the petty bourgeois, the officers, the anti-Semites, the press lackeys of the bourgeoisie, trembling for their fieshpots under the class rule of the bourgeoisie.
Crucify it! shout the Scheidemanns, who, like Judas Iscariot, have sold the workers to the bourgeoisie and tremble for their pieces of silver.
Crucify it! repeat like an echo the deceived, betrayed, abused strata of the working class and the soldiers who do not know that, by raging against the Spartacus League, they rage against their own flesh and blood."

Since Germany was basically controlled by the bourgeois class, the upper and middle class causing a lot of unfair things for the working class on top of what they had to go through during the crisis and wars The Spartacus League was sort of invented, this league was the popular league, the league of the people, it spoke for everyone who did not have a voice, I like how in this passage the author uses religion to make a statement. Just like Jesus who was good was crucify by the bad they too were shouting to be crucify by the capitalist system, by the rich, by everyone. Even though it is fair and just what the Spartacus league asks for it still gets the shorter end of the stick.  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

I chose the first scene in which the girl is singing about the murderer and how he kills and then Bam! she is the next victim, and the lady tells her to stop singing. This scene is interesting to me because the role of the adults is to protect their children and the lady is trying to protect them all but she cant the girl still gets killed. This serial killer is very interesting because he seduces before he kills, he is with the kid, buys them stuff that kids like and then he kills them is very cold, he is obviously someone with issues since that s how the police finds him. What I didn't like about the film is the portrayal of people with mental conditions not all mentally ill people are evil or do things by desire some of them work very hard to overcome their challenges and be productive people that don't cause harm to no one not even themselves.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The movie looks a lot like German Expressionism because of its irregular shapes, and the fact that they are portraying an inside situation on the outside, projecting what s in out.  I like the scene where the guy wakes up after 25 years and he reads someone s future and says he will die at dawn most likely he is the one doing the killings while he sleeps or is a somnambulist and that s how he knows he will die at dawn. I like how everything is so triangular and how everything is so weird and irregular.
The fact that he does get killed by the somnambulist makes this very creepy I also liked how the houses, windows and everything is shaped in an irregular way.